personal injury journal

What is a Personal Injury Journal and Why Should I Use One?

There’s a lot to do after you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident, car crash, or another type of accident, so the thought of starting a journal might give you pause. However, starting a personal injury journal after you have suffered an injury can be extremely beneficial to your case.

Looking for options after someone else’s negligence has left you with injuries? Let us help. Reach out to the team at Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & Short online or call us at 334-821-3892.

Overview of Personal Injury Journals

A personal injury journal is a way to document the details of an accident and the ways in which an accident affects your life. The human memory is fallible, and no matter how much you think you’ll remember after an accident, you’re sure to forget important details. The personal injury journal paints a picture of your daily life post-accident, documenting the ways your injuries have hurt you and laying the groundwork for compensation.

What to Include in Your Entries

A personal injury journal is not the same as a general journal, so you should keep it structured and ensure that you include relevant information in each entry. Try to set aside time to document each day, and make sure you sign and date each entry. Each journal entry should touch on the following topics.

Describe the Accident

As soon as possible after an accident, jot down the details of the crash. Write down as much as you remember, including:

  • Time
  • Date
  • Weather conditions
  • What occurred immediately before the car accident
  • Any sensations you remember from the impact of the crash
  • Pain and other sensations you experienced after the accident
  • Communication with the other driver and/or passengers
  • Communication with the police officers or medical care providers

Describe Limitations and Pain

The goal of a personal injury journal is to highlight how an injury affects your life, so describe the limitations you experience each day in detail. If you are unable to do laundry because your new back injury prevents you from bending over and putting clothes in the washer, write that down. If you can’t stand long enough to cook dinner, take note of that. If you experience random pain spikes throughout the day, write down when they occur and how intense they are. You should also take note of any symptoms you experience each day, as well as any new or recurring issues.

Keep Notes on Medical Appointments

Until you heal completely, your life may be a revolving door of doctors, physician’s assistants, physical therapists, chiropractors, and other medical professionals. It is crucial that you keep the details of your recovery straight and don’t mix up different milestones in your recovery. Every time you go to an appointment, make a note of it in your journal. Take note of who you saw, the mileage to and from the appointment, any care instructions you received, and notes on your progress.

Why a Personal Injury Journal is Important for Your Case

A personal injury journal can be an essential piece of evidence in your personal injury case. If you are questioned by the other party’s insurance company or attorney, they will ask many specific, detailed questions about the timeline of your accident and the ways in which it has affected you. Without a personal injury journal, you run the risk of offering nondescript, vague answers. These answers can lower your settlement or even make them doubt your claims. When you have solid times, dates, and descriptions of your injuries to back up your claims, you significantly increase your likelihood of successfully recovering compensation.

We’re Here to Help You with Your Personal Injury Case

We know that you have a lot to do after an injury, and we don’t want you to do it alone. The team at Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & Short is here to support you. From communicating with the insurance company to representing you in court, we are with you every step of the way. To get started, reach out to us online or call us at 334-821-3892. We will set up a consultation and discuss your options with you to come up with a strong plan.

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