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Helpful Tips for Transitioning to Being a Single Parent
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortThe transition from married working parent to single working parent is a rough one, and it’s likely that you’ve got more on your to-do list than you can reasonably handle. Try to go easy on yourself as you navigate this change. It will be hard, but as you go through it, you’ll figure out what […]
Proving the Other Driver Was Texting in an Auto Accident
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortFew driving habits are as dangerous as texting and driving. Despite the fact that it has been illegal in Alabama for a full decade, a shocking amount of people are comfortable admitting that they regularly text while behind the wheel. Even a second spent looking at a text message could leave you unable to respond […]
Understanding the Rising Costs of Long-Term Care
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortNo matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s never too early to think about how you’ll spend your golden years. The senior years tend to be incredibly expensive, between rising healthcare costs and the need for long-term care. Research indicates that this may be an even bigger problem than previously thought. Now, more than […]
What is a Revocable Trust?
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortThe world of estate planning offers a wide range of tools you can use to manage your assets and protect them after you’re gone. If you’ve heard of the benefits of revocable living trusts, you may wonder if this is a good tool for your estate. Learn more about how revocable trusts work and when […]
5 Things Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortYou’ve been injured in a crash, and now you’re trying to figure out how to get the compensation you’re owed. Unfortunately, it’s turning out to be far more complicated than you thought. The insurance company isn’t answering your calls, or perhaps the first offer they’ve given you won’t even cover your ambulance ride. The insurance […]
Why Unmarried Parents Should Still Work Out Child Custody Details
/by David MatineWhether you’re a new parent or you have been co-parenting without a custody order for years, there are lots of benefits that come with establishing a custody agreement. While verbal agreements do work for some parents, they largely rely on the goodwill of both parents. If one parent changes their mind about the agreement, the […]
Joint Tenancy Issues in Estate Planning
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortProperty held in joint tenancy is a convenient way to ensure that it remains in the right hands after an owner dies. However, some people use joint tenancy as their sole estate planning tool. This is a shortsighted choice that can put your family in an uncomfortable and expensive position when both co-owners pass away. […]
Determining Liability When a Third Party Causes a Car Accident
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortSome car accident investigations are cut-and-dry. One driver ran a red light, or perhaps one party was texting and didn’t notice that the vehicle in front of them stopped. While you may have to go back and forth with the insurance company a few times or bring in an attorney, everyone knows what the end […]
Accidents Caused by Not Using Turn Signals
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortTurn signals are an incredibly important part of road safety. Unfortunately, it’s also often one of the first good habits to fall by the wayside once a driver gets comfortable with the road. This makes it hard for other drivers to guess what they’re doing and significantly increases the risk of an accident. If you […]
Pet Custody Battles in a Divorce
/by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & ShortDivorce often feels like one loss after another—the loss of your relationship, time with your children, financial stability, and even pets. You may have seen tales of shared pet custody on social media and wondered if that’s an option for your split. Learn more about what Alabama says about pet ownership and what your options […]