Entries by Haygood, Cleveland, Pierce, Thompson & Short

Why Planning for Incapacity is Essential

When most people think about estate planning, they think about what will happen to their assets when they pass away and how their final wishes will be carried out. However, there’s far more to this field than that—in fact, many believe that much more time should be spent on incapacity planning. It’s unpleasant to think […]

How is Child Support Calculated in Alabama?

In Alabama, child support is calculated using an “income shares” model. This is to determine the amount of support that will be paid. Here is how you can come up with an estimate for your monthly child support payment In Alabama. Step 1 Calculate the gross monthly income for both parents. If either parent pays […]

Common Internal Injuries That Occur in Accidents

Internal injuries are an extremely dangerous outcome for any accident victims. While they may not be immediately visible, they are often life-threatening if not treated promptly. This is one reason you should always seek medical care immediately after an accident. Learn more about common internal injuries suffered by injury victims. To discuss case in greater […]

Can I Afford to Get Divorced?

Perhaps the only thing worse than realizing you need a divorce is realizing what it costs to dissolve a marriage. For many people, getting divorced is as expensive as actually getting married. But even though it can be expensive, this doesn’t mean that divorce should be completely off the table if this is the right […]